After this contest ended on the 31th March, I had some serious trouble narrowing down a 'winner'.
So what I've done, is I have picked a winner... but I have also picked two 'runners up' of which I will also be stealing inspirations. Om nom nom.
So, without further delay...
My two runner ups/runners up/runner upsies (??? Ceri... GRAMMARWHAT!?) are...
(in no particular order)
...with their beautiful images.
But my winner, for the photographic intrigue, and the completely most original submission...
This image made my camera say 'ooh!'
I'll need to acquire a few bits bit I am looking forward to this one a lot. My head is booming with lighting ideas... >:D
Congrats to all three of you. I can't wait to get the ball rolling on these. They're fantastic.
Also well done to the other submissions. All very good but I did have to take originality and do-ability into things (I'm afraid I can't very easily set my models on fire). Very much appreciated your involvement and I hope that you enjoyed it too!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
OK, here's the deal.
I've decided I'd like to do some sort of interaction activity with some of my 'readers' to make it a bit more fun for you guys to follow so that you're not just reading all my waffle all the time! If it goes well, I may do more of them.
So for my first interactional challenge...
Action Plan!
I'm going to recreate an image based on a sketch or drawing from one of you.
(Hopefully that sounds like fun to at least one person! :D )
I will choose personally ONE IMAGE, from any images submitted based on how exciting yet feasible I think it will be to shoot, on the 1st April 2012. No wait. That's a terrible idea. Make it the 2nd April 2012.
The Rules!
- You may submit ONE sketch/drawing
- It must be your own work, not copied from someone else.
- It does NOT have to have been drawn recently and it does not matter if it was drawn 50 years ago and has been sat on your Deviant Art account ever since gathering dust.
- It does NOT have to be neat or very well-drawn (though please try not to send me pictures of stick-men (Robin!!))
- You must give me a tiny bit of leeway for potential stylising/awesomising!
- It must be in my inbox by midnight on the 31st March 2012
- Anyone can enter. No age limit. (from CHlo3 aGed 4)
If you've read this and feel you'd like to have a go, please send your drawing to:
...with the subject of:
'Shoot Challenge 01 - <Your Name>'
... before the end of this month (deadline: 31st March 2012 - 00:00)
and now I await your submissions with baited breath... O_o;
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