Callum "Pretty-Boy" Hawthorne (or "Biebs" as Martin and I have taken to calling him since his Justin Bieberesque haircut) is my younger brother.
A 13-year-old football and althetic boy-prodigy, Callum is not very much like me.
(I wheeze a lot when moving around)
Our Mum and I have suggested modelling to him a couple of times and he's not been particularly interested, though last time, he did say that he'd give it a try. We think it may be because he's now got a lovely girlfriend (Amber) who is also in support of the idea and she's gorgeous so her opinion carries a certain extra sway.
So Saturday 21st January, I picked Callum up from Mum's and we headed over to Basingstoke.
Now then, I was a little concerned initially that he would feel too awkward in front of the camera and either wouldn't relax or wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. I have to say actually, he surprised me. He was very good at taking direction and, even though it was coming from his sister, of all people, he managed to take in everything I said. Quite a feat for a footballer as I understand that they are generally not accustomed to having to process their own thoughts.
We started off easy with a headshot, so here he is:
Unfortunately, yes, he is that pretty. I haven’t edited out a truckload of spots or had to ‘shop out a huge monobrow. He genuinely looks this good all the time.
Now then, I don’t know about you but I struggle with the fact that he’s only 13 (14 next month). I see some of these and he looks about 17 to me. Scary stuff.
I think this would be a good opportunity for me to add some of his baby photos in a big-sister-like, humiliating way but alas, I haven’t any handy. Maybe later.
2 bashes of cyan tint added here with Photoshop “Variations” for the interested.
I think it looks more like a ‘fashion’ image that way.
He’s only 13 and, as I said, he’s a football genius. Well… genius probably isn’t the term. Football… erm… talented person…. Something something. He’s also, pretty darn clever (…sometimes. He is also clearly blonde). He’s doing very well at school. He has a really pretty girlfriend (who, might I add, could also easily be a teen model). He’s very tall (important to some). He’s got a good mind-set for his future. He’s into… not excruciatingly terrible music… not great either but I’m sitting here thinking, I can’t think of any reason that this boy is not going to succeed in life. He’s got high hopes, but all the means to achieve his goals (and not just the football ones!). He works for what he wants. He’s 13 and he chooses his diet to suit his lifestyle, he exercises and works hard to be (even) better at his sport, he looks at what he needs to do now in order to be where he wants to be in 3/5 years’ time.
Anyway, this next shot is my favourite (I think). We did some jumping! Mostly him but I won’t lie, I was excited. And even though he felt a bit stupid, and doesn’t really like these photos… I had to put one of these up ‘cause they’re a big hit with the people that have seen them already AND I just love it, quite frankly:
I’m jumping again. o_o
Next we went outside. Funny really as someone was parked in my ‘usual spot’ (usual = used once before) and so I had to make Callum stand in some bushes to take these photos. Quite a funny sight for the neighbours, I’m sure…
My brother doesn’t like this one either but I have to put it up to prove that I once made him laugh.
(He really doesn’t find me funny. Can’t think why. Jealousy? It certainly can’t be because I’m not… )
Also, he has a sickeningly handsome smile too.
And then to finish off, we went indoors and sat on the couch where he mostly watched football over my shoulder. Ha ha.
These were nice though, I thought.
Anyway. That’s my brother. We’ve sat and had a chat about his options and what sort of thing he’d be up for doing and he’s decided he’s going to go for it.
Plus, his Mum says he’s handsome so it must be true. XD
Keep your eyes out for Callum hopefully coming soon to an advert/poster/catalogue, etc. near you. I suppose one of us has to make it big somewhere!
Then in due time, there’s also my other brother, Matthew… but believe me, you’re just not ready for him. O_o;